Sunday, December 21, 2008


A little outside of my topic range, though I guess this can fit under stuff or etc...

My family recently purchased the newest version of Who Wants To Be a Millionare DVD game and it's been a complete disaster!! The DVD seems to have configuration issues (we tried it both on a DVD player and a laptop)....and although we hoped it was just a reject it wasn't. We went back to the store and returned it for another one: same issue!!

Although the idea of it has real promise in being a great family game, it's clear to see they did not spend enough time correcting the bugs within the program. Okay, that's all I have on that.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Apples in Stereo!!!

The Apples in Stereo "Play Tough"

...I can't help but sing and dance along to this song. Love the vibe and the singer's voice, the lady drummer and mostly the awesomeness of all the band members..

Milwaukee's Hidden Gems

Milwaukee's Hidden Gems: First edition

1) Found at 524 n. water street, and online at this trendy boutique carries shoes, dresses, jeans, accessories...and all at great prices. although it might be a little more expensive than your average college student can afford, they always have great deals going on...especially when you join their mailing list!!

2) Bella caffe, found in the historic third ward offers a large menu to choose from as well as a chill place to enjoy some free time. it got my attention while looking for a relaxing place to escape the stresses of school and won me over with it's "at home" hospitality and delicious caramel latte! cool thing to note: they are open until 11pm on friday and saturday nights!! check out their website for their location, hours, and featured menu items!!
the list doesn't stop here, milwaukee has plenty more awesome hidden gems to be discovered!! i will continue updating the list as the school year goes on..